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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A Patient Advocate is a medical professional who provides services to patients and those supporting them who are navigating the complex healthcare continuum. Advocates work directly with clients (or with their legal representatives) to ensure they have a voice in their care and information to promote informed decision making.

You need someone with an indepth knowledge and extensive background in medicine to be your trusted advocate on healthcare issues. You may know the law, you may know auto repair, computer IT, engineering, etc., but you don’t fully understand the medical system. Just as you hire a lawyer, an accountant or a financial planner to provide expert subject matter advice and protect your best interests, our patient advocates provide the same healthcare service.  We are paid for by the patient, a friend, family members, anyone that needs help. You may live out of state and can’t be there for your loved one’s every doctor appointment, treatments/procedures, hospitalization, billing issues, medication problems, understanding the medical terms, questions about tests, and on and on.

Patient advocacy is a relatively new medical speciality but is a critically needed service. As medicine gets more complicated, family members move away, spouses die, friends separate, and we are left by ourselves to figure this out. 

Patient advocates can provide coordination of complex medical care, patient and caregiver education, diagnosis and treatment options research, promotion of patient safety, updates to distant family members, facilitation of communication between medical providers and assistance in decision making processes.

Advocates employed by hospitals, insurance companies, etc., have an allegiance to their employers and their policies, not primarily to the patient. If there is a conflict of interest they will unfortunately be required to conform to the restrictions imposed by their employers. Our Patient Advocate’s only loyalty is to our client and their only interest is in achieving the best outcome for that client, without restrictions imposed by for-profit healthcare organizations.

Yes, depending on the situation, our services can be retained on behalf of a loved one or family member. However, there are circumstances regarding HIPAA and information sharing that will need to be clarified in advance. For more information, please contact us to schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation.

While some organizations are dependent on local offices and staff to meet your needs, we do not have that limitation. Leveraging our technology infrastructure, we have successfully worked with clients all over the globe. Depending on your unique requirements, you can utilize our services regardless of where you are located.

We are committed to offering outstanding customer service and personalized support that is affordable and tailored to your needs. Your Patient Advocate can be available to work with you for as much or as little time as you need us. Our services can be priced at a one-time package/project rate or on an hourly basis. However, for those individuals requiring more intensive, continuing care, our services can be retained at a monthly rate.

For further information regarding our pricing, please contact us to schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation.

The huge advantage of having an independent Patient Advocate is that we represent only the client and/or the client’s representatives. Any involvement with an outside agency limits our ability to be totally independent, work in only your best interest and focus on your priorities. 

A large number of our clients have been able to submit the receipts for our services to Health Savings Accounts (HSA) for reimbursement.

For further information, please contact us to schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation.

Northwest Health Services will protect all personal and health information, and maintain secured files in accordance with HIPAA standards. We will share medical information only when and to whom you direct.

As an employer, you have felt the painful cost increases associated with providing your employees with even basic insurance coverage options. We can assist you in developing strategies and implementing solutions to regain financial control and reduce your healthcare expenses. Through leveraging direct access care, case management, wellness programs and other innovative solutions, you can reduce your cost while still delivering high quality healthcare to your employees.

For further information, please contact us to discuss your specific needs.

Contact us today to schedule a free, no obligation, 20-minute phone consultation to determine whether our services are a good fit for you or your loved ones. During that phone call, we will briefly discuss your health care concerns, goals, and questions to determine if Northwest Health Services can help you achieve your goals.

Once you retain us as your adviser and advocate, we will schedule a 1-2-hour in-person initial evaluation, where we will discuss your needs in greater detail and outline the services that we can provide to help you optimize your medical care and meet your goals

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